Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Patch ConfigMgr 2012 x64 clients during a task sequence using the PATCH property

We recently updated our SCCM version to the latest cumulative update and I wanted to update our task sequence so that new clients were deployed with the latest SCCM agent version.

In order to do this I completed these steps (please note we only deploy 64 bit clients so this tutorial only deals with these):

1. Open your task sequence

2. Within your Partition Disk 0 - BIOS/Partition Disk 0 - UEFI steps ensure the main partition has the following variable set OSDTargeSystemDrive

3. Create a command line step directly before the "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr" step

4. Within the command line enter the following text: cmd /c xcopy *.* %OSDTargetSystemDrive%\windows\CCMHotfixes /E /H /C /I /Q /Y and select the package that your patch resides in

This step copies the file from your SCCM server to the machine being imaged

5. Within your "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr" step enter the following within Installation properties: PATCH="C:\windows\CCMHotfixes\configmgr2012ac-r2-kb3054451-x64.msp"
You will need to change the filename as appropriate based on the update you are applying.

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