Monday, 30 March 2015

Move a Distribution Point Content Library Between Drives

If you have installed a Distribution Point onto a server and you wish to change the drive that the content is now stored on you can do this by using the "ContentLibraryTransfer.exe" tool that was released within the SyStem Centre 2012 R2 Configuration Manager Toolkit.

Download it here - and install the components

ContentLibraryTransfer.exe is a tool that will move a distribution point’s content store from one drive to another. It's a very simple process.

To use the tool, open an administrative command prompt and navigate to the location of the ContentLibraryTransfer.exe tool.

Once there the syntax of the tool is as follows:

ContentLibraryTransfer.exe -SourceDrive D -TargetDrive F

So the above command would move the content from the D drive to the F drive.

If you want to see a log file of what has happened etc you can pipe the results to a text file as follows:

ContentLibraryTransfer.exe -SourceDrive D -TargetDrive F > C:\Results.txt

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